ABLE provides business development training and unlocks access to finance and partnerships that enable the establishment, growth, and sustainability of small businesses owned by immigrants of afro-descendants and other residents.
HIP provides health and nutrition education and services, especially women and children of afro-descendants. Good nutrition and health practices help them to prevent diet-related diseases and, by that, enable them to save a portion of their income that they would have otherwise spent on curative health services. HIP partners with local health and nutrition programs to bridge cultural gaps that sometimes limit immigrants afro-descendants from accessing the health and nutrition education they need to prevent diseases and be strong and “hip” in providing services to the US economy.
Arts, Culture, and Sports Program
This program mainstreams the African arts and culture among afro-descendants through sports, arts, and cultural events. The events focus more on children of afro-descendants to ensure they do not lose the good and unique African values as they grow up in the United States.
I- Reap
I-REAP program conducts research in immigrant communities. Findings from the research inform CAIA’s engagement with and advocacy among state and local officials. CAIA’s informed advocacy and strategic engagements enable immigrants of afro-descendants to reap their fair share of opportunities in their communities.
Prevent, Stop, and Bring Back Youth Program
The program identifies, counsels, and rehabilitates young immigrants of afro-descendants and reintegrates them into their communities. Through CAIA’s career guidance, personal financial management, and mentorship support services-that many young immigrants afro-descendants are not receiving from their homes because of the long hours their parents/guidance commit to work- we prevent youth from crimes, keep them from unnecessary debt, and guide them on a track to good citizenship and successful careers.
Immigration and Integration (IM-IN)
IM-IN Program supports immigrants of afro-descendants in filing legal papers, accessing public benefits, and finding schools and training opportunities that prepare them to be productive residents of the United States.